Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Conditional and Elliptical Sentence

( UngkapanHarapanterhadapsesuatu yang diinginkan/Kemungkinan )

1.      If + Present Simple + Future Simple
Example : If I have money I will buy english book

2.      If + Past Simple + Past Future
Example : If I were have english book I would read it

3.      If + Past Perfect + Past Future Perfect
Example : If I had read story book I would have spreaded to you

( Kalimat yang digunakan untuk mencegah pengulangan kata )

Rumus :
So + Aux + S2
Neither + Aux + S2
S2  + Aux + Too
S2 + Aux + Not + Either

Example :

So + Aux + S2
S2 + Aux + Too
Present Simple
She write a letter
So do I
I do too
Past Simple
She wrote a letter
So did I
I did too
Future Simple
She will write a letter
So will I
I will too
Present Perfect
She have writen a letter
So have I
I have too
Present Continous
She is writing a letter
So am I
I am too

Neither + Aux + S2
S2 + Aux + Not + Either
Present Simple
She write a letter
Neither do I
I don’t either
Past Simple
She wrote a letter
Neither did I
I didn’t either
Future Simple
She will write a letter
Neither will I
I won’t either
Present Perfect
She have writen a letter
Neither have I
I haven’t either
Present Continous
She is writing a letter
Neither am I
I am not either

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